👋 Welcome! Watch this video from our lead pastor!
Finding the right church can be tricky. This page has all the info you need to help you plan your first visit.
First things first...
It doesn't matter where you’re at on your faith journey. You’re welcome to join us here at Summit!
Quick Overview:
If you want to watch us online 👨💻👩💻 before visiting, check out the Watch page. We’re live every Sunday at 10 a.m. MST. If you want to dig deeper into our beliefs check out the About Us page. If you want to know more about the ministries we offer check out the Ministries page. If you’re ready to get more involved check out the Next Steps page. If you need serious help right now check out the Outreach & Care page.
Here’s some helpful information before your first visit.
👇 👇
Here’s what typically happens on Sunday so you know what to expect.
👉 Our worship team opens things up with a song at 10 a.m. sharp!
👉 One of our Pastors will greet everyone and give some encouragement.
👉 Our worship team will lead us in two more songs.
👉 We’ll play a short video with some basic announcements.
👉 One of our Pastors will give about a 35-minute message.
👉 We’ll spend a few minutes after the message with some time to respond. We have prayer teams and communion available on either side of the room. This time may include another song.
👉 Finally, one of our Pastors will close things out with a farewell blessing.
We do our best to keep the whole gathering around 70 minutes. ⏰
If you have kids:
We provide age-appropriate environments for infants up through 5th grade during our worship gathering. Families check-in their kids at one of the check-in stations. Each kid’s area is monitored by a safety team member and a check-in label is required to enter the kid’s area for child pickup. We recommend coming a bit early to get everyone checked in.
If you have students:
Students join us in the worship gathering. We also provide age-appropriate environments for Middle School and High School students. Middle School students meet on Thursday evenings and High School students meet on Sundays after church. Check out our calendar for our student activities!
Kids in the Auditorium:
Your kids are welcome to be with you. We want everyone to enjoy and engage with as few distractions as possible. If your child becomes too restless or noisy, we ask that you either take advantage of our Summit Kids environments or sit in our Families Seating area located in the atrium. The Families Seating area has a TV playing the message so you don’t miss anything.
Generations Sunday:
A few times a year we have Generations Sunday which is a special worship gathering designed for all ages to be in the auditorium together.
As you approach the building you’ll see parking signs and a parking attendant. We offer handicapped parking and parking closer to the building for young families or the elderly. Feel free to ask the parking attendant for help. That’s why they’re there!
First-Time Guests:
Find the little red tent so we can hook you up! We‘ll have a gift for you, plus first-time guests get a free drink at the coffee bar. 😎☕️
Coffee Bar:
The full-service coffee bar is open before and after the worship gathering. Free drip coffee is always available.
Our volunteers are located all over. Look for a printed name tag on their shirt. They’re here just for you, so let them know if you need anything.
We play contemporary music. We add specials and hymns now and then. You’re free to worship however you feel led.
Our pastors teach straight from the Bible, examining real-life issues and applying Biblical principles to our everyday lives. Message notes are available online. We encourage you to bring your own Bible. We also have Bibles available for anyone who needs one. Just ask!
Response Time:
After the message we typically leave room for some response time. This is usually when people get up to take communion or receive prayer from one of our prayer team volunteers. Never feel like you have to participate in something you’re not comfortable with.
If you’re new leave your wallet right where it’s at. We do not pass collection plates. If you would like to give, we have giving boxes in the auditorium and digital options on our website.
Dollar Offering:
Each week the church donates one dollar per person in attendance to an organization that is already making an impact. If you would like to participate just drop a dollar in one of the giving boxes or give to the dollar offering through the website.
Baptisms are typically held in the auditorium as part of our worship gathering. These happen periodically throughout the year.
Our Worship Gathering is about 70 minutes.
The Culture:
Summit is welcoming to anyone. There’s no need to hide your story. You can belong before you believe. We’re all on a faith journey and here we’re doing it imperfectly together, authentically. We’re not afraid of the mess in your life....our lives are messy too!
The Environment:
Summit is a contemporary, non-denominational church. We turn things up just a bit and you may notice some moving lights here and there. If you’re part of an older generation…welcome! We love you and we hope you’ll support us in our efforts to stay engaged with the current and next generations.
What to Wear:
Come dressed casually and comfortably. Want to dress up? That’s fine too!
Stick Around:
You don’t need to be in a hurry. Hang out and enjoy some coffee and conversation with the rest of us. People come early and stay afterward to hang out.
From I-25 exit East on Dry Creek. Take your first left onto Clinton Street. As you come up the street you will see a labeled entrance on your right. 7200 S. Clinton St. Centennial, CO 80112
Here’s some terms we say often that you should be aware of...
Next Steps:
This simply refers to the next thing you should be doing to grow in your faith. Everyone no matter how long they’ve been a Christian has a Next Step. What’s yours?
Next Steps Pathway:
This refers to a series of classes (Step 1, Step 2, etc) that we offer to help you become a better follower of Christ. Everyone is welcome to LEARN here at Summit. However, there are prerequisites and expectations for those who wish to LEAD here at Summit. Click HERE to learn more.
The Dream Team:
This is what we call our amazing volunteers.
Oikos: (oy’-kos)
Oikos means “extended family” in Greek. Everyone has an “Oikos”. It is the 8-15 individuals in your social network who rely on you to exemplify Jesus in their lives.
Bless Your Oikos:
You’re going to hear us say “bless your Oikos” often. B.L.E.S.S. is an acronym we use meaning believe for them in prayer, learn their story, eat with them, serve them, and share your story with them when it’s the right time.
That’s when we eat bread and drink wine (or juice). (We provide juice). Why? The simple answer is that Jesus commands us to do so (Luke 22:19-20). And so, for more than 2000 years, Christians all over the world have been doing exactly that. Gathering together. Eating bread and drinking wine (or juice) in “remembrance” of him.
If the meaning of baptism could be summarized in one word, it would be identification. Baptism is about personal, public identification with Jesus Christ. So when you’re ready to let everyone know you’re all-in for Jesus...you get baptized!
Tithes & Offerings:
You’re probably more familiar with the term “Giving” which is a generic term for giving any amount of money. A “tithe” is when you give a portion (10%) of your income. The word tithe just means tenth in Hebrew. Because the principle of tithing is biblical, many Christians practice it as part of their faith. For someone who tithes, an “offering” would then be any amount of money given above their tithe. The terms “tithes & offerings” and “giving” are often used interchangeably.
If you’re thinking about checking things out, click the Plan a Visit button. It’s much easier to show up somewhere when you already know someone. We’ll connect with you beforehand and make sure your first visit is a meaningful one.