Summit Young Adults (SYA) is perfect for anyone in their 20s or 30s who is single, dating, or married and is looking to find community and deepen their faith.
Young Adults Pastor
My goal is to get to know you personally, get you connected into community, and be a resource for you on your faith journey.
We’re here to help you get connected!
We welcome you no matter where you are on your faith journey. We want you to feel like you belong here and that you can call this community your home.
We look forward to connecting with you during our Tuesday night gatherings, special events, and on Sunday mornings. We will do our very best to connect with you one on one when our schedules allow.
We meet weekly on Tuesday nights from 6:30-8 p.m. at Summit in the atrium.
Here’s what typically happens so you know what to expect.
👉 Doors open at 6:30 p.m. and for the first 30 minutes we hang out and connect while enjoying a full menu coffee bar. ☕️
👉 At 7 p.m. we gather around tables.
👉 One of our leaders will teach for a bit then turn it over to discussion time. Discussion questions are provided. We go back and forth a few times from teaching and table discussions.
👉 One of our leaders will close us out in prayer.
👉 We do our best to end at 8 p.m., at which point you’re free to leave or hang out a bit longer. Doors close at 8:30 p.m.
Throughout the year we plan special events that allow for everyone to chill out and just have a good time. From barbecues to bonfires, camping to concerts, boating to billiards.
When possible we keep our special events on Tuesdays so you don’t have to coordinate one more thing. But depending on the type of event dates and times may vary.
We do our best to keep special events free or as affordable as possible.
👉 When: Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m.
👉 Where: Summit Church
We meet at Summit in the atrium. Head in through the main entrance.
6:30 p.m. | Doors open.
7:00 p.m. | Teaching and discussion time.
8:00 p.m. | We are officially done and you’re free to leave.
8:30 p.m. | Doors close.
Summit Church:
7200 South Clinton Street, Centennial, CO 80112
👉 Just show up!
If you want to connect with a leader before your first visit go ahead and plan a visit. That way we can answer any questions you have beforehand, and we’ll know to be expecting you on your first visit.
If you feel like it’s a fit and you plan on coming regularly, we’ll get you officially signed up on our roster so we can make sure you’re getting contacted with news and updates.
Our preferred method of communication is to individually send you a text message.
🎯 Our target demographic is 21-39.
Whether you know the Bible well or not at all, we want to deepen our understanding of the Scriptures together and apply what we learn to our lives right now.
Topics will vary but we will regularly focus on a few key themes.
1. Who am I? (Questions of identity)
2. Where do I fit? (Questions of belonging)
3. What difference do I make? (Questions of purpose)
4. Felt Needs (Based on group feedback)
Our format is comprised of three segments that are twenty minutes in length. Each segment has about five minute of teaching followed by fifteen minutes of table group discussions. Discussion question are provided.
You’re encouraged to bring your Bible.
You can learn more about Summit’s beliefs by clicking HERE.
You’re still welcome to join us!
Since SYA is an official ministry of Summit Church you will inevitably be exposed to the vision, mission, and beliefs of Summit.
Check out the About Us page to learn more about our church.
Yes, of course!
Bring your friends knowing they will not be pressured to do anything.
👉 No.
👉 Yes.
If you’re a parent you’re still more than welcome to join us!
Please understand: